Fake blood is a common “equipment” for costume parties,like Halloween. But how to remove fake blood from your clothes if you accidentally get it on them? Today we’ll show you some simple yet effective ways to remove fake blood stains fast!
1. Act Fast: How to Tackle Fake Blood Stains Right Away
First of all, the key to treating fake blood stains is speed. Fake blood is much easier to remove if you treat it immediately. The best way to remove fake blood is to rinse the area immediately with cold water, as cold water prevents the fake blood from penetrating deeper into the fibers and prevents the stain from curing. Remember to avoid using hot water since hot water tends to make the fake blood more likely to stick to the garment, making it more difficult to clean.
2. The Best Way to Clean Fake Blood from Your Clothes with Simple Products
Fake blood stains don’t require complicated cleaners, simple household products can easily take care of them. You can scrub the stained area with laundry detergent or soap, especially the former, which can help break down the pigment in the fake blood and remove it easily. With a few scrubs, fake blood can be easily removed.
3. Dealing with Stubborn Fake Blood Stains: What Works and What Doesn’t
Sometimes, fake blood stains can become stubborn and normal washing methods may not work. In this case, try mixing baking soda and water into a paste and applying it to the stain, rubbing gently. Baking soda will work to help break down the stain and attract the color component of fake blood, allowing you to remove stubborn blood stains easily. If baking soda doesn’t work well, you can use alcohol or white vinegar. They can quickly dissolve the fake blood components and help remove the stains.
Tip: When using alcohol or white vinegar, remember to try it on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn’t damage the color of your clothes.
4. Quick Fixes: How to Get Fake Blood Out of Clothes Without a Hassle
In some cases, fake blood stains may have dried out and seem difficult to remove. However, it can still be restored with timely treatment. A quick way to do this is to soak the stain in warm water, then add a small amount of laundry detergent and let it saturate for a few minutes before gently scrubbing. This process will not only help soften the stain, but will also remove the fake blood without damaging the garment.
Fake blood stains are a nuisance, but they are not that difficult to clean up. It can be easily dealt with as long as you treat it in the first place and use some effective methods. Hope these tips will help you get rid of fake blood stains quickly!