How Do You Get Toothpaste Out of Clothes? Simple Solutions for Stubborn Stains

By Lifetips

Have you had the trouble of brushing your teeth in a hurry in the morning, only to accidentally squeeze toothpaste onto your beloved clothes? Don’t worry, today we will share with you some easy and interesting cleaning tips, so you will know how to remove toothpaste stains on clothes, let your clothes a new look!

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Image Credit: Pexel

Wash right after: the best time is now!

The best time to act is right when the stain happens! At this time, the toothpaste hasn’t completely dried out, making it simple and easy to clean. Grab some water quickly and gently blot the stain with a paper towel or clean cloth, trying not to let the toothpaste get deep into the fibers.

If the stain is freshly stained, gently blotting and then rinsing with water usually removes it completely. This method is applicable to most fabrics, simple and effective!

Use detergent: a household essential!

If the toothpaste stains are a bit stubborn and not easy to clean directly, you may want to try detergent . Detergents are great for breaking down the oils and other ingredients in toothpaste, making them effective at removing stains.

How to do it. All you need to do is take a small amount of dishwashing liquid, apply it directly to the stain, rub it in a little, and then rinse it off with water. For fabrics like cotton and linen, detergent is a very gentle and effective way to clean.

Warm water + soap: simple and money-saving

If you don’t want to use chemical cleaners, then warm water and soap is also a good choice. This method is especially suitable for some of the more fragile clothing, such as wool, silk and other fabrics. Soak your clothes in warm water, then add a little soap and gently scrub the stains.

The warm water will help loosen the toothpaste ingredients, and the stain-removing action of the soap will help remove the toothpaste quickly. Scrub for a few minutes and you’ll usually see results!

Baking soda: the “multi-talent” of the cleaning world.

Baking soda is a versatile player in the cleaning world, and many home cleaners can’t do without it. Toothpaste stains are no exception, baking soda can help remove some tough stains, and will not damage clothing.

Simply make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the toothpaste stain, then gently brush it with a soft-bristled brush and rinse it off after a few minutes. For some stubborn stains, this method is very effective.

Clothes cleaner: for stubborn stains

If the toothpaste stain has dried and is difficult to clean, you may need to use some special cleaners for clothes. There are many cleaners on the market for stubborn stains, which are designed for specific stains and are very effective.

To use them, simply follow the product instructions, apply the cleaner to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it off; toothpaste stains are usually removed. If you don’t have a specialized cleaner at home, a simple soap will also do the trick.

Regular Cleaning: Reducing Stain Accumulation

If you are a regular toothpaste stains partner, then remember to wash your clothes regularly! Especially for clothes that you wear often, don’t let toothpaste stains build up to the point where they eventually become hard to clean. Every time you do laundry, check for stains and treat them promptly to keep your clothes neat and tidy, but also to avoid stains that build up over time and become difficult to remove.

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Image Credit: Pixabay

Tip: Avoid future toothpaste “disasters”.

Be careful when brushing your teeth: When brushing your teeth, try to avoid splashing toothpaste on your clothes, especially on freshly laundered clothes.

Wear an apron: If you often brush your teeth or do other things around the house that can get your clothes dirty, wear an apron to protect your clothes.

Clean up promptly: If you accidentally get it on your clothes, remember to take care of it as soon as possible. Over time, stains are harder to remove after the toothpaste has dried.


See, removing toothpaste stains is not difficult at all, as long as you master some small tricks, you can also easily deal with these “small trouble”. Next time you accidentally get toothpaste, don’t worry, hurry to do, follow these methods of cleaning, your clothes will soon be back as new! I hope these tips will help you, remember to try it!

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