Mold and fungus on shoes is a very common phenomenon, which not only makes the shoes look dirty, but also may bring bad smells and hidden health risks. Whether it’s sneakers, leather shoes, or canvas shoes, shoes can harbor fungus due to humid conditions. Today, let’s talk about how to quickly and effectively sanitize fungus on shoes.
Why does fungus grow on shoes? How to prevent it?
Fungus grows most easily in moist, warm environments, and shoes are a typical breeding ground. When shoes remain wet for extended periods, if they are not breathable, or if they are wet for a long time, fungus will take the opportunity to grow. Sweat, rain, dirt, all of these may provide a “growth paradise” for the fungus. Therefore, keeping shoes dry and clean is the first way to prevent fungus.
The best way to disinfect the fungus on shoes
Use vinegar water to disinfect
Vinegar is a natural disinfectant. Mix white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio, pour it into a spray bottle, and spray it directly inside your shoes, especially on the insoles and soles.Vinegar not only disinfects but also removes odors.
After spraying, put them in a ventilated place to dry.
Use Alcohol
Alcohol is a very effective disinfectant that kills most of the bacteria and fungi on your shoes. SSpray the shoes with 75% medical alcohol, focusing on the insoles and damp areas, and let them dry naturally.
Natural ways to remove fungus from shoes
Use common household products
Baking soda
Baking soda not only removes odors, but also effectively cleans shoes. Sprinkling the right amount of baking soda on the inside of your shoes and leaving it for a while and then gently brushing it off can help clean and sanitize them.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree essential oil has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. Mixing a few drops of tea tree essential oil with water and spraying it inside your shoes can effectively fight fungus on your shoes. Its aroma can also eliminate odors inside the shoes.
How to remove mold from different types of shoes?
1.Sneaker Mold Removal
First, use a dry brush to remove the surface mold. Prepare a pot of warm water (around 35°C), add neutral laundry detergent and white vinegar, mix well, dip the brush into the solution, and scrub. Finally, use a dry towel to wipe off excess water.(Note: to brush shoes in one direction.)
2.sandals in addition to mold
Mix baking soda, washing powder, white vinegar, and hot water (around 60°C) well. Soak the shoes for 30 minutes, then scrub with a brush.
3. leather shoes in addition to mold
Alcohol and water in accordance with the ratio of 1:1 well, with a soft cloth dipped in wipe at the mold, can be removed.
4,.canvas shoes in addition to mold
Mix 84 disinfectant and water in a 1:10 ratio, soak the shoes for 30 minutes, then scrub with a brush to remove the mold.
(Note: white canvas shoes without leather.)
In addition, keeping shoes dry, regular cleaning and maintenance in daily life can also help us to prevent the fungus from growing again. Hope these simple and practical methods can help you to keep your shoes clean, comfortable and healthy!