How to Get Urine Smell Out of Clothes: Simple and Effective Solutions

By Lifetips
How to Get Urine Smell Out of Clothes

Accidental peeing by pet cats or children can get on clothes and even make the whole garment smell like urine. How to wash and eliminate the smell?

How to Remove Urine Stain From Clothes

If the clothes are wet with urine, it is recommended to wash them immediately. They can be cleaned by mixing 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with regular detergent. However, remember not to wash at high temperatures, as this can cause the proteins in the stains to combine with the fibers, resulting in yellowing of the stains and making them difficult to remove.

Quick and Easy Tips to Remove Urine Smell from Fabric

The particular smell of urine comes from naturally occurring bacteria and uric acid crystals, which are the product of crystallized urine residue. These crystals often linger on porous, damp surfaces such as cloth, fabric, or carpet in the washing machine. When the bacteria break down the urine, they produce a strong ammonia odor, also known as urine odor.

If your clothes smell like urine when they are wet, you can use the following two methods to eliminate the urine smell:

Method 1: Use enzyme-containing detergents to clean. Enzymes can break down the proteins in urine and reduce or completely eliminate the urine smell. However, this method is not applicable to quilts made of protein fibers such as silk.

Method 2: Dilute white vinegar with water, or squeeze lemon juice into water, then evenly spray it on the urine-soaked area. Vinegar can neutralize the ammonia smell in urine. However, this method requires the quilt to be placed in a ventilated place to dry for a whole day to eliminate the odor.

No matter how much you clean, if the smell still lingers, you might just want to switch to new clothes!

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